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Practical questions on the spiritual life / Matthew McGetrick OCD.

Auteur: MacGetrick, Matthew (OCD)

Uitgever: Darlington : Darlington Carmel, [s.a.].

Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel / [Barry Bossa, S.A.C. ; cover and illustrations by Patricia Delehaunty Moran].

ISBN: ISBN 0-911988-67-X

Auteur: Bossa, Barry (SAC)

Uitgever: Washington, N.J. : AMI Press, [cop. 1987].

Mantras from a poet : Jessica Powers / Robert F. Morneau ; illustrations by Doris Klein, CSA ; [music by Miriam Cecile Ross, S.S.N.D.].

ISBN: ISBN 1-55612-420-1

Auteur: Morneau, Robert F.

Uitgever: Kansas City : Sheed & Ward, 1991.

The in the spiritual life / by Anastasius of the Holy Rosary O.C.D. ; revised and edited by Gabriel Barry O.C.D.

Auteur: Ballestrero, Anastasio A. (Card. ; OCD)

Uitgever: Darlington : Darlington Carmel, 1985.

A Lover’s quest : introducing St John of the Cross for today / Maximiliano Herraiz Garcia OCD ; illustrations by Elizabeth Ruth Obbard OCD.

Auteur: Herráiz García, Maximiliano (OCD)

Uitgever: Darlington : Darlington Carmel, 1993.

Views from a window : the selected poems of Elias Pater / edited [with introduction] by R. Harnett.

ISBN: 0-86810-239-3

Auteur: Pater, Elias

Uitgever: Grahamstown SA : Institute for the Study of English in Africa, Rhodes University, 1992.

St. Thérèse of Lisieux : Doctor of the Church? / edited by James Likoudis.

Auteur: Thérèse

Uitgever: New Rochelle, NY : Catholics United For The Faith, 1992.

La madre : the life and spirituality of Teresa of Avila / Elizabeth Ruth Obbard.

ISBN: ISBN 0-85439-468-0

Auteur: Obbard, Elizabeth Ruth (OCD)

Uitgever: Middlegreen UK : St Pauls, 1994.

Teresa of Avila : mystical writings / Tessa Bielecki.

ISBN: ISBN 0-8245-2504-3

Auteur: Bielecki, Tessa

Uitgever: New York : Crossroad, 1994.

A modern Odyssey : Sister Frances of the Redemption, the Little Hippie / translated by Miriam of Jesus, O.C.D.

Auteur: Frances of the Redemption (OCD)

Uitgever: [S.l. : s.n., s.a.] [imprim. 1992].