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Zoeken in de bibliotheek


Gentleness in John of the Cross / Thomas Kane.

ISBN: ISBN 0-7283-0105-9 ISSN 0307-1413

Auteur: Kane, Thomas

Uitgever: Oxford : SLG Press, 1988.

St John of the Cross / Elizabeth Matthew.

Auteur: Matthew, Elizabeth

Uitgever: [S.l.] : CTS Publications, [ca. 1991].

When through the garden.

Auteur: When

Uitgever: Terre Haute (Indiana) : Carmelite Monastery, 1986.

Two sisters in the Spirit : Thérèse of Lisieux & Elisabeth of the Trinity / Hans Urs von Balthasar.

ISBN: ISBN 0-89870-148-1

Auteur: Balthasar, Hans Urs von

Uitgever: San Francisco : Ignatius Press, 1992.

Teresa of Jesus : woman of faith, woman of fire : a 20th century perspective.

Auteur: Teresa

Uitgever: Terre Haute (Indiana) : Carmel of St. Joseph, 1982.

Attaining spiritual maturity for contemplation according to St. John of the Cross / Venard Poslusney, O.Carm.

Auteur: Poslusney, Venard (OCarm)

Uitgever: Hauppauge, N.Y. : Living Flame Press, 1988.

Carmel and the Eucharist : Third National Congress, 8th Western Regional Congress Discalced Carmelite Secular Order, University of San Francisco, July 1 to 4, 1993.

Auteur: Carmel

Uitgever: Long Beach, CA : Wenzel Press, 1993.

St. John of the Cross and the dark night : understanding his Ascent and Dark Night in easy stages / by Peter Bourne, H.M.C. of the Hermits of Mount Carmel.

ISBN: ISBN 0-930887-16-6

Auteur: Bourne, Peter (HMC)

Uitgever: Long Beach, CA : Wenzel Press, 1993.

Carmelite Mysticism / by Titus Brandsma, O.Carm.

Auteur: Brandsma, Titus (OCarm)

Uitgever: Faversham (Kent) : Carmelite Press, 1980.

Master in the faith : Apostolic letter of Pope John Paul II, December 14th 1990.

Auteur: Wojtyla, Karol (paus Johannes Paulus II)

Uitgever: Launceston, Tasmania : Carmelite Monastery, 1992.