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Zoeken in de bibliotheek


Woman to woman : an anthology of women’s spiritualities / Phyllis Zagano.

ISBN: ISBN 0-8146-5025-2

Auteur: Zagano, Phyllis

Uitgever: Collegeville, Minnesota : Glazier, The Liturgical Press, 1993.

Praying with John of the Cross / by Wayne Simsic.

ISBN: ISBN 0-88489-290-5

Auteur: Simsic, Wayne

Uitgever: Winona, Minnesota : Saint Mary's Press ; Christian Brothers Publication, 1993.

St Mary’s Carmelite abbey Ballinasmale Claremorris-Co. Mayo 1288-1988 / by Stephen Josten, O.Carm.

Auteur: Josten, Stephen (OCarm)

Uitgever: Claremorris : Ballinasmale Abbey Conservation Committee, 1984.

Growth and wholeness in Carmel : Report of the novice mistresses’ meeting. Mount Carmel Retreat Centre, Glasgow 14-19 May 1992.

Auteur: Growth

Uitgever: Darlington : Darlington Carmel, 1992.

Léonie Martin : a difficult life / Marie Badouin-Croix ; [Preface of Christopher O’Donnell, O.Carm.].

ISBN: ISBN 1-85390-281-0

Auteur: Badouin-Croix, Marie

Uitgever: Dublin : Veritas Publications, 1993.

St. Teresa of Avila / by Giorgio Papàsogli ; translated from the Italian by Gloria Italiano Anzilotti.

ISBN: ISBN 0-8198-6879-5

Auteur: Papàsogli, Giorgio

Uitgever: Boston MA : St. Paul Books & Media, 1990.

Winter music : a life of Jessica Powers: poet, nun, woman of the 20th century / Dolores R. Leckey.

ISBN: ISBN 1-55612-559-3

Auteur: Leckey, Dolores R.

Uitgever: Kansas City MO : Sheed & Ward, 1992.

Women mystics : Hadewijch of Antwerp, Teresa of Avila, Thérèse of Lisieux, Elisabeth of the Trinity, Edith Stein / Louis Bouyer ; translated by Anne Englund Nash.

ISBN: ISBN 0-89870-434-0

Auteur: Bouyer, Louis

Uitgever: San Francisco : Ignatius Press, 1993.

“Who can make this teaching attractive?” : St. John of the Cross.

Auteur: Who

Uitgever: Newry, Co. Down : Carmelite Monastery, 1983.

The christian understanding of God today : theological colloquium on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the foundation of Trinity College, Dublin / ed. by James M. Byrne.

ISBN: ISBN 1-85607-087-5

Auteur: Christian

Uitgever: Dublin : Columba Press, 1993.